When something looks too good to be true, it usually isn't true. Many careers and reputations in journalism and elsewehere could have been saved if people were more careful. Index.hr - which briefly attempted to repeat its 2004 Severina scoop - is now forced to apologise over its excess enthusiasm in reporting alleged Blanka Vlašić (Blanka Vlasic) sex tape. The alleged video file is nothing more than skilfully edited clip belonging to much bigger video file available on porn websites since 2008. The file clearly shows the female participant of sex activity not being Croatian athlete.
Index.hr, on the other hand, shouldn't be blamed too much for jumping to conclusion, since Ms. Vlašić in the past had compromising intimate photos of her leaked to the Internet. The incident, which happened foru years ago, and was mentioned in this blog. The post, named Et tu, fillia Blanka? is probably responsible why the number of hits to Draxblog III jumped to unprecedented numbers.