I'm afraid that times when I felt great respect for www.index.hr as reliable and brave source of information are long gone. While I wait for this website to return to its former glory, I often get amused by effects general dumbing down of Croatian media had on it.
The latest example is this. If you ignore the image and pay some attention to title, you will notice that an unknown author tried to write Paris Hilton's name phonetically, which is against Croatian language standard.
To make things even more amusing, the title wouldn't hold under scrutiny even if he had been posted on the website with .yu domain. In Serbia, "Paris Hilton" is written as "Peris Hilton".
Three hours later, index.hr removed the error ("Pariz Hilton" in original version).
I guess if one takes the US English pronunciation as standard, it would have to be rendered as "Peris" (or Перис?). But the name of the city (the one in France, not the one in Texas) is usually rendered as "Pariz" -- also a violation of Vuk's orthography, according to which it really ought to be rendered as "Pari." I found the "Pariz" usage in in some Serbopapers:
There are a whole lot more references in Google to "Peris," true, but they seemed to be mostly to aggregators, I didn't bother looking in detail.
Posted by: Eric | Friday, October 28, 2005 at 03:08